Star Wars: Timeline: Difference between revisions

From The Whereabouts
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* '''[[Star Wars: Age of Rebellion|Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part I]]''' ends as Cell Nine closes their investigation of the disappearance of Cell Eight on the [[Episode VI: Trouble at the Office|Drurish system.]] Closing in on the location of [[The Asset]], they discover Cell Eight's wrecked and sabotaged ship, before finding the hidden temple where The Asset is hiding out. However, they arrived at the same time as a Sith agent who Cell Nine was able to [[Episode VII: The Force Awakens|defeat with the help of The Asset.]]
* '''[[Star Wars: Age of Rebellion|Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part I]]''' ends as Cell Nine closes their investigation of the disappearance of Cell Eight on the [[Episode VI: Trouble at the Office|Drurish system.]] Closing in on the location of [[The Asset]], they discover Cell Eight's wrecked and sabotaged ship, before finding the hidden temple where The Asset is hiding out. However, they arrived at the same time as a Sith agent who Cell Nine was able to [[Episode VII: The Force Awakens|defeat with the help of The Asset.]]
* '''[[Star Wars: Age of Rebellion|Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part II]]''' begins as Cell Nine has successfully investigated the disappearance of Cell Eight and rescued The Asset, but no longer has a means to provide the Rebellion intelligence in The Kuat System. They must discover a way to fill the void left be Cell Eight's death.
* '''[[Star Wars: Age of Rebellion|Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part II]]''' begins as Cell Nine has successfully investigated the disappearance of Cell Eight and rescued The Asset, but no longer has a means to provide the Rebellion intelligence in The Kuat System. They must discover a way to fill the void left be Cell Eight's death.
*'''The Battle of Endor''' - The Alliance to Restore The Republic scores their greatest victory of the war to date. The Second Death Star is destroyed, and The Emperor and Darth Vader along with it, giving the Alliance not only a military victory but a symbolic rallying cry. Across The Galaxy more planets are supporting The Alliance, and The Empire's remaining leadership is fighting amongst themselves for power.
* '''[[There's Always A Catch]]''' - Jet, Nexu, and Cerberus are gathered in orbit around Mon Calamari by Commander Khan of The Alliance, who assigns them on a long term mission to scout and acquire resources in the Mid and Outter Rim near Ord Mantell.

Revision as of 17:42, 21 March 2015

Calendar Information

The timeline of The Star Wars Universe as it relates to the characters and stories told here.

24 hours = 1 day
5 days = 1 week
7 weeks = 1 month
35 days = 1 month
368 days = 1 year
10 months + 3 festival weeks + 3 holidays = 1 year

20 BBY

  • The First Battle of Duro - Duro is attacked during the Confederacy of Independent Systems attack on the Core Worlds in Operation Durge's Lance, the attack is lead by General Grievous as an attempt to turn the Clone Wars against The Republic. Baric Valaras, a child of four, is smuggled off of the captured orbital city by Remmy Saretti to protect the young boy from the hostile invaders. Baric's parents are killed in the attack, and the surface of his home world, Duro, is forever marred.


  • The Battle of Yavin - The Epoch Date of the calender, all dates are in reference to this. Luke Skywalker destroys the First Death Star, scoring The Rebellion's first major victory against The Galactic Empire.


  • Episode I: Inadvertent Rescue - The adventures of our characters begin as Baric Valaras and The Gand arrive on the Imperial controlled planet of Arkania in search of a missing boy with a suspiciously large bounty for his return. The duo finds that their target, Malloc Zephren, isn't lost but is fleeing for his life. Showing a rare bit of honor in The Star Wars Universe the duo rescues Malloc from crime boss Ket, rather than turning him in... Then again maybe they just realized they'd burned the ones paying the bounty and didn't have much other choice.
  • Episode II: Attack of the Statues - Looking for a place to lay low and make a few credits the crew made a jump from Arkania, down The Hydian Way, to the remote spaceport of Port Driss. Gand found the group work providing a mercenary company backup in the escort of a group of archaeologists to the nearby planet Bilrindar. Their exploration of this planet led to a meeting with angry sentient monkeys, the discovery of an ancient Jedi Temple, a battle four stone statues that nearly killed everyone, and a bit of theft from a long forgotten library. Plus a payday at the end.
  • Episode III: Revenge of the Nav - Remmy Saretti, Baric's father figure through childhood whom he is still deeply indebted, called in a favor to get Baric and his crew to take part in a bit of smuggling. Putting Baric's astrogation and piloting skills to the test the crew of The Kraken's Kiss had to navigate a pirate infested asteroid field for the chance to jump into an Imperial Blockaded system of Derra. They did so, with considerable trouble from pirates and Imperials, and delivered the medical supplies to the government as asked. After spending a few days at the port making ship repairs The Kraken's Kiss departed from Derra hoping to bypass both the Imperials and the pirates by taking a new route out of the system, it might have worked if two squads of Tie Fighters hadn't crossed their path. The Kraken's Kiss took heavy damage while fleeing The Imperial Patrol, fortunately their new astromech droid had a backup Nav Computer and they were able to make the jump into hyperspace. That jump would lead them to both triumph and despair...
  • Episode IV: Seeking Refuge - The Kraken's Kiss realizes they were followed into Hyperspace by an Imperial Capital ship when leaving Derra IV; damaged, low on supplies, and surrounded by unfriendly systems the crew seeks refuge on the independent Planet Vondarc. Somewhat to their surprise they are granted permission to land, and the Imperials are turned away, though they quickly realize permission to land and freedom are quite different. After a meeting with Dalo Namore the group agrees to eliminate the threat of Imperial Intelligence agents on the Planet in exchange for ship repairs, earned trust, and their freedom to go. In their hunt for the Imperials the crew finds themselves tracking a group of unfriendly smugglers through the infrastructure tunnels in the undercity of one of Vondarc's metropolises, unsurprisingly things don't go as smoothly as planned... After a series of gunfights with the smugglers the crew discovers they are transporting bomb making materials among other supplies, and have a meeting the following evening a day's journey from the city. The crew finds that Vondarc's wilderness is anything but kind, but do manage to reach their destination in time, only to be ambushed by the agents they were hunting. Though the crew is injured they take both agents alive and escort them back towards the city, braving the Vondarc wilderness they reach the walls only to find their entrance both locked and rigged with explosives. At this point they call for help from Dalo and are picked up by shuttle, turning the agents over they have earned Dalo's trust and their own freedom to come and go as they please in Vondarc.
  • Episode V: Storming the Garrison - The Kraken's Kiss responds to a call for help from Mrs. Borsk, the wife of Dr. Borsk who the crew helped explore the Temples of Bilrindar in Episode II. Dr. Borsk has been captured by the Imperials and needs rescuing, for a moderate price the crew agrees to travel to Krant and help. After some investigation the group breaks into Dr. Borsk's office and recovers a hidden lightsaber, before deciding to break into the garrison to free him. The group isn't as stealthy or athletic as they thought and end up getting into a prolonged battle with the garrison's troops which nearly leaves the crew dead or captured, but they survive and free Dr. Borsk, returning him to the local rebels outside the city.
  • Episode VI: Sith Spelunking - Still on Krant recovering from their last battle, a group from the Rebel Alliance arrives at the camp to explain Dr. Borsk's capture and ask for his help. The Rebels, led by Jania Dahn, are on planet to stop a Sith Apprentice of The Emperor from accessing a hidden Jedi Temple thought to be the prison of a powerful Sith spirit. The group travels with The Rebels to the temple, engaging Storm Troopers on the steps of the Temple before exploring inside. They are forced to climb up and down the tall square shaft at the center of the Temple, eventually arriving at the bottom where there is more to explore. They finally arrive at a locked door that can only be opened with the force; Malloc reveals himself to be force sensitive by opening the door and discovering the Sith Apprentice meditating inside. Massively outnumbered the apprentice is gunned down; leaving the group to spring the trap that was protecting the crystal imprisoning the Sith spirit. With the crystal in hand the crew and the rebels return to the local camp and their ship.
  • Episode VII: History in the Mist - From Krant the crew is drawn to Planet Gand by a local legend Gand tells the crew that links the Sith crystal in their possession with a mysterious figure known as The Outsider. Once on Gand the crew sets out to explore the mountain sized crater and with some help from the locals the crew enters the crater following a crack in the planets crust; the mist, strong winds, and unfriendly wildlife make it a hard trek but a manageable one. Near the center of the crater they find a seemingly endless pit that is drawing the mist into it, when the climb down they discover man-made bridges and battle droids. Following a long series of tunnels towards he bottom they eventually discover three large crystals similar to the one Malloc carries that are drawing the mist towards them. When Gand shoots one a Sith spirit is released and the group is nearly defeated by the powerful force spirit before they gun it down... Deciding not to further antagonize the spirits in the crystals the group sets off to further explore the maze of tunnels. They begin to realize there is a small army of Battle Droids within the tunnels and eventually their stealth fails them and they are forced to take shelter or be gunned down. Finally finding a path that doesn't just lead to more Battle Droids the crew discovers a bare-bones manufacturing facility producing the antiquated droids. Further exploring finds an abandoned living quarters and a old, decaying corpse already at rest. The group discovers a ship as well as a means to control the droids through the hive-mind; the crew sets the droids on the crystals below which brings an end to the mist storm and allows them the ability to fly the ship out of the crater. Gand stays behind to claim credit for solving the mystery of The Outsider, gaining much fame on his home world.
  • Episode VIII: Trouble in Hutt Space - The crew takes their second ship, with a hull full of Battle Droids, back to Hutt Space to find a suitable buyer for their loot. They are able to do so and make a significant profit, however while shopping with their new found wealth they run into trouble. They first notice bounty hunters pointing out Malloc, and are eventually ambushed in the streets of the space station. They defeat their attackers but as they head towards the ship realize that they are still being followed, Baric confronts one in a side ally while Malloc draws more attention which Gand quickly eliminates. Finally they make it back to Kraken's Kiss and depart, but soon discover the ship is also being followed. The two Firespray ships engage in a dogfight and the Kraken's Kiss emerges victorious, but before they can sweep in for the killing blow the Space Station hails the crew and warns them to depart. Rather than pick a fight with a space station they make a run for it, but not before discovering that House Benelex of the Bounty Hunter's Guild has taken an interest in Malloc's bounty.
  • Episode IX: Exporting Valuable Cargo - While on Gerrenthum The Kraken's Kiss is contacted by Dalo Namore to perform an extraction mission on the planet of Sullust. The ship navigates the dangerous volcanic activity of Sullust and meets up with Sian Tevv on the city of Fulluusub. After earning Sian's trust the crew is introduced to the three dignitaries they are extracting and given transportation back to their ship. From there the trouble begins, The Home Guard of Sorosub is waiting and a firefight breaks out in the busy public spaceport. After escaping the spaceport and another plume of volcanic ash the ship is ambushed by a squad of Home Guard fighters, the Kraken's Kiss has too much firepower and destroys the fighters before making their escape just before reinforcements arrive. Safely back on Vondarc they turn over the dignitaries to Dalo in exchange for their reward.
  • Episode X: Dirty Work - The crew departs Vondarc in need of ship repairs, they find them on the familiar world of Gerrenthum, but must wait for the extensive work to be done. They decide to take up a work on planet, taking up a bounty for a local drug lord against a rival hoping to collect a bounty from local authorities and the drug lord who hired them. They find themselves in contested drug territory which leads quickly to a shootout in a cantina, they get no info from the living but find a lead through stolen data pads. Tracing the communication to a series of buildings the crew searches a local office, warehouse, and finally a gang affiliated cantina. The crew bursts in with guns blazing, taking down the gang members inside but have to flee the incoming authorities before they can search as thoroughly as they'd like... The crew regroups and hacks into the confiscated data pads, discovering the existence of a secret room in the cantina. That night they return to the cantina, and bribe the law enforcement standing guard to gain entrance. Once inside they find the hidden door and enter, shooting their way through battle droids and find their target who they convince to surrender after gunning down the remainder of his security droids. They collect their bounty from law enforcement and the underworld, selling confiscated belongings of their target back to the underworld for a considerable sum.


  • The Battle of Hoth - The Empire discovers the Alliance's secret base on Hoth and launches a successful attack on the Rebel base, with many Rebel casualties.
  • Thichis Kuras is appointed Moff of Kuat Sector. His agenda includes increased oversight of Kuat Drive Yards and to quell lingering unrest in the sector.
  • Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part I begins when Rebellion Kuat Cell Eight disappears unexpectedly, and a new group of Rebel agents is put together to investigate their disappearance and reestablish covert operations on the planet Kuat. Kuat Cell Nine is formed in Episode I: The Kuras Doctrine.
  • Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part I ends as Cell Nine closes their investigation of the disappearance of Cell Eight on the Drurish system. Closing in on the location of The Asset, they discover Cell Eight's wrecked and sabotaged ship, before finding the hidden temple where The Asset is hiding out. However, they arrived at the same time as a Sith agent who Cell Nine was able to defeat with the help of The Asset.
  • Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, Part II begins as Cell Nine has successfully investigated the disappearance of Cell Eight and rescued The Asset, but no longer has a means to provide the Rebellion intelligence in The Kuat System. They must discover a way to fill the void left be Cell Eight's death.


  • The Battle of Endor - The Alliance to Restore The Republic scores their greatest victory of the war to date. The Second Death Star is destroyed, and The Emperor and Darth Vader along with it, giving the Alliance not only a military victory but a symbolic rallying cry. Across The Galaxy more planets are supporting The Alliance, and The Empire's remaining leadership is fighting amongst themselves for power.
  • There's Always A Catch - Jet, Nexu, and Cerberus are gathered in orbit around Mon Calamari by Commander Khan of The Alliance, who assigns them on a long term mission to scout and acquire resources in the Mid and Outter Rim near Ord Mantell.