Cathak Pyre

From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 05:32, 31 August 2007 by FyreFly (talk | contribs)

Name: Cathak Pyre
Player: Tony Kirchner
Aspect: Fire
Concept: Legionnaire/Wyld Huntsmen


Pyre was most well known during his younger years; when he was a devote follower of the Immaculate religion and ambitious young officer in The Wyld Hunt. However those who knew him better now know that that was never the case. Despite being from the Cathak household by name he known by his personality was closer to that of is Iselsi mother, and he often did not fit in with other Cathak children obsessing over war. Pyre saw that there were other ways to conquer people, much more effective ways. He embraced what he saw in society but kept it to himself, often writing in journals or keeping private notes. Pyre treasured secrets above all else, and he collected them. His secretive nature led his heart away from the legions, however his curiosity to know more overwhelmed him for his entire life. Pyre saw that in order to sedate his thirst he would need to be within the good graces of The Realm, and so he remained a legionnaire always watching always writing.

In public Pyre displayed the utmost confidence in himself and the gods who granted divine power to him and his Dragon Blooded brothers, giving off the perfect image of a noble dynast. Pyre was remarkably skilled at observing what people expected of him and meeting those expectations, often acting falsely but such feelings remained buried with his secrets. In private he was a drastically different man, though very few people kept up such a close relationship with him. Most of those whom he would have considered closest to him were Immaculate monks, he often held discussions that turned to friendly debates with a variety of monks who he was especially close to.


Pyre was born the illegitimate child of one of the last respected Iselsi, a merchant who worked in the Imperial City, and a respected Cathak General who commanded one of Cathak's privately funded legions. There where no plans to claim Pyre by Cathak until he exalted at a surprisingly young age drawing the eye of his father who had had nothing to do with us upbringing till that point. In exchange for a few small favors to Iselsi Cathak managed to claim Pyre for their own, bestowing their name upon him and bringing him into his fathers household. Eventually Pyre would attend the House of Bells, though he showed no particular interest in war, especially as far as the Cathak were concerned. He did average at the academy though he had a knack for annoying teachers with persistent questions and found himself oddly friendless at graduation, likely attributed to long hours spent reading instead of fighting or playing gateway.

After graduation he spent a few weeks back home in the Imperial City before moving out to spend several months at the Palace Sublime; according to the monks who were present during his stay he spent the entire time fasting and in meditation. After his stay, which he never explained further than he was in need of the spiritual guidance of the dragons, he joined the private Cathak legions where he served under his father as a Dragonlord. He stayed in his fathers service for a few years before a sudden announcement of his departure, he was to join the Wyld Hunt. He served the Wyld Hunt for nearly 5 years and maintained an excellent track record of finding and destroying his targets. However, the events that unfolded previous to the summoning of the massive alien creature (The Zerund) brought Pyre back to The Blessed Isle. He joined up with the Imperial Legions once again resuming command of a Dragon, though now his experience and prowess made him worthy of such a title. His time on The Blessed Isle saw him become more reclusive than ever, and for the first time he started to attract some attention and a reputation for being a recluse. No formal investigation was ever opened involving Pyre, as there was no outward evidence of anything though there were those who had suspicions about what he spent his time writing.