Brilliant Tsunami Masked by the Tower

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Basic Info

Name: Brilliant Tsunami Masked by the Tower
Player: NPC: Saros & Bodhisattva of the Masked Starfall's Sifu
Caste: Chosen of Journeys
Concept: Explorer & Demon Hunter
Political Affiliation: Gold Faction
Anima: Essence Maelstrom
Motivation: Seal off all exits and entrances to Malfeas, permanently containing the power of the Yozis.

Weapon of Choice: War Fans & Knives
Armor of Choice: None.
Fighting Style: Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, & Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style

Conventions: Convention of Fire, Convention on Essence Wielders - Convention on Demons, Convention on Natural Disasters, Convention on Deathlords


Brilliant Tsunami Masked by the Tower was born into the Lintha pirate family, spending her childhood either at sea or the legendary port of Bluehaven. As one might guess the pirate ships and docks of Bluehaven are a very unique place to be raised as a child, one thing that can be said for them though is they teach a child to be savvy. Brilliant Tsunami spent the first 12 years of her life in the Lintha pirate kingdom, she was an exceptional sailor and many in her family had high hopes for her life as a captain. She was not renowned for her combat skills or even supernatural tendencies, somewhat common in Linthas, but her excellent navigational skills; it was said she was one of the finest navigators in the Lintha fleet before her untimely death at sea. Most people believe the young girl simply grew to cocky when she tried to best one of the mightiest storms of the second age, others simply think her small ship could not outrun the massive waves. What none of the Lintha family knows is that Brilliant Tsunami did best the storm of R.Y. 522; she emerged triumphantly from the waves just as fate would have wanted it. What fate did not expect was that her crew would sail through the event with her, surviving by the virtue of her skill; unfortunately for them destiny had another idea.

A great beast arose from the sea in the calm of the storm and attacked the unsuspecting vessel, the crew was no match and all but it's navigator met a bloody fate. She drifted alone at sea for what seemed to her like days, she could not believe she had survived the attack and she could not believe the sea had spared her life as long as it had. She must have passed out because her next memory consisted of her waking up, but she was someplace she had never been before, she was someplace far more magnificent and grand, yet somehow still upon a boat. Brilliant Tsunami found herself aboard The Golden Barque of the Heavens overseen by a peculiar old man, it was later that she would learn his name was Ruvia, The God of Roads, Captain of The Golden Barque of the Heavens, and leader of the Division of Journeys. She served aboard the Golden Barque for the next 7 years, under the watchful eye of Ruvia, though he was mostly too busy to pay her much mind, leaving her caretaking to an assortment of other gods who crewed the vessel. Within those 7 years she had learned the ins and outs of the Division and the entire Celestial Bureaucracy, so when she exalted as destined at the age of 19 she was able to immediately take up her place and begin missions for her division. At first Brilliant Tsunami saw little merit to the factions that separated her kind and remained an independent for some time, because of her close upbringing within the Division she was still able to accumulate power despite no backing from a faction.

Ayesha Ura changed that fact, truth be told Ayesha had her sights set on Brilliant Tsunami for some time and had volunteered to be her mentor and teacher after her long standing sifu was killed in the Fair Folk attacks of RY. 547. Ayesha and Brilliant Tsunami built a close relationship immediately and it was only a short time before Brilliant Tsunami had become a full fledge member of The Gold Faction. Brilliant Tsunami has become fiercely loyal to the Gold Faction over the years serving on a wide variety of missions that until recently had left her without much of a specialization, favoring a jack-of-all-trades method. She has officially served in 4 of the directional conventions, all but Earth, showing her versatility and her nature as a Chosen of Journeys. She seems to have settled now in the Convention of Fire where she has served for the last 100 years, slowly gaining rank within the convention. She is a longtime member of the Convention on Essence Wielders and is especially active in the Convention on Demons. She is a long time member of the Convention on Natural Disasters, dating back to her initial exaltation and has accumulated a high rank within it, she reports only to the chair of the Convention; despite her rank she, like many other Sidereals, sees it only as a side note. This fact alone probably keeps her from ever possibly being named chair of the convention. Her most prestigious title is without a doubt being the youngest member of the Golden Circle, a duty she devotes as much time to as she can possibly spare.


Brilliant Tsunami has a playful and outgoing personality; she is quick to make friends and allies through her natural charisma, though she's been known to use her beauty when she has to. She is true to her maiden and is often rather easily distracted, those her first meet her occasionally mistake her as an air-head. Most of those who make that mistake never know better, she is an excellent actress and plays many roles all across the south as she travels them. Despite outward appearances Brilliant Tsunami is very dedicated to her cause and the Gold Faction, she hardly ever rests, using her sabbaticals to run Gold Faction missions or recruit new members. Despite her passion for the cause she is a very just person, she is slow to judge even her enemies, and has been known to work well with Bronze Faction members and independents in the past. When the solars began to reemerge she was at the forefront, along with Ayesha, recruiting converts into the Gold Faction.

Defining Quote

"I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be."