Prelude: Truth of the Heart: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:25, 7 June 2010

22 ABY; Yavin IV, The Jedi Praxeum.

The two hooded figures stood under the dark night sky, the air was cool and crisp as the storm clouds were carried by a cool brisk wind towards the Jedi Praxeum. Rolling thunder could be heard faintly in the background, but the rain of the approaching storm had yet to reach the temple. The two of them stood calmly on the first level of the massive temple that housed the New Jedi Order, they were alone but the entire Order was nearby. The proximity of such a force of enemies spoke to the risk Brakiss took in coming here, even if it was only to speak to an old friend. Allanar recognized that Brakiss should not have come, he did not agree with Brakiss' defection from the Jedi Order, but he did not want to see him immediately turned over to them either.

Brakiss spoke first, "Old friend, you know why I am here."

Allanar only nodded in response. Brakiss had once before attempted to convince him to leave the Jedi Order to join him in a different pursuit of knowledge and power in the Force. Allanar had refused, but time had changed them both since then.

"Skywalker's methods are archaic and rigid, they don't suit you. You know the power and wisdom that is contained within the Force, he will not let you harness your true potential. The Dark Side of the Force has power that Skywalker can only dream of, that he fears... You've seen this."

Allnar turned towards Brakiss, looking at his friend from under the brown hood of his Jedi Robes. The conversation should not have been happening, yet it was. "I don't deny that the Dark Side has power untapped by the Light Side. However, that power is difficult to control."

"Only if you fear it, like Skywalker does. He fears becoming like his father and is blinded by it. He seeks only to extinguish all the teachings of The Sith, but to do so would be repeating the mistakes of generations past."

"You know I won't argue that. The Light is as dependent on the Dark as the Dark is the Light. We cannot have one without the other. Ignoring that would be naive."

"Then come with me brother."

"Even if I agree, you've gone too far. You've made an enemy of the Order. They can be reasoned with, there's no need for exile."

"If your precious Order is so open minded, why have they not allowed you to become a Jedi Knight yet?"

Allanar tensed slightly and turned to look towards the impending storm sweeping towards them, Brakiss knew of Allanar's frustration at still being a Padawan. Allanar had been at the Jedi Academy for 7 years already and was admittedly frustrated at his current standing.

Brakiss continued, "Allanar search your feelings... Skywalker is afraid to let you advance. Come with me, I am starting my own academy. Come and help me start our own Order, you can be a teacher rather than an apprentice."

Allanar looked back to Brakiss, without a doubt it was a tempting offer. A man who was formerly his closest friend, now he wanted Allanar's help to start an academy of his own. "Alright Brakiss, let's see your new academy."

Brakiss smiled from beneath his hood, he turned and moved across the level of the temple towards the front steps. Allanar followed at his side, their cloaks whipping at their heels until they both came to a stop at the top of the stair. Looking down was the entire gathered Jedi Order, waiting for them. Without exchanging looks Allanar and Brakiss both drew and ignited lightsabers; each glowing red blade cast light on their hooded faces as they charged down the steps.

Allanar's eyes snapped open and he felt his muscles tense far more than they should have coming out of a deep meditation. His legs were folded neatly under his kneeling body, his back straight and posture rigid on top of a kneeling mat at the center of The Council's chambers. Surrounding him were all the members High Jedi Council, Allanar knelt facing Grand Master Skywalker who was the first to break the silence.

"Once again Allanar, I am afraid you face too much inner turmoil . We, The Council, cannot grant you the title of Jedi Knight."

"But you know that vision is not true, I rejected Brakiss' offer. How can you hold that against me?" Despite Allanar's attempts his voice betrayed a fragment of his frustration.

"We are grateful you continue to train here. However, the vision betrays your heart's deepest desire. Only fear kept you here, in spite of your desire to join Brakiss."

Allanar stood slowly, he held his tongue from protesting the judgment. It would do no good, it hadn't the last two times Allanar had applied and been rejected the position of Jedi Knight. "I thank The Council for their time." As Allanar spoke he folded his hands in the sleeves of his robes and walked calmly out of the chamber.

Once the door shut, Kam Solusar broke the silence, "Though even I do not agree with all of the opinions of my padawan we cannot expect him to remain an apprentice forever. His knowledge and power of the force are well beyond the other apprentices. We risk driving him away."

"Yet we cannot have a Knight in this Order who we can't trust in the face of a rising threat from the dark side. He will find a way to earn our trust."