The Rat Kings of Wu-Jian

From The Whereabouts

A rumor has emerged that a backwater alchemist has discovered the secret of Exaltation. Unwilling to ignore a challenge to their divine hegemony, some of the city's gods, little and large, have dispatched Exigent Exalted to investigate the veracity of the claim. Though their motivations for doing so vary, they share a common goal - discover the truth of this rumor, and should it prove credible, procure its bounty.

Narrative guidelines

This storyline is set up to be more of a sandbox than my previous story. Some basic narrative guidance:

  • It would be preferable for all of the characters to be aligned towards the same goal - either they should generally believe that mortals should be free to decide who Exalts, or they believe that the secret to Exaltation should be kept a secret, known to none or only a few. There is considerable room for nuance (and tension) within each faction.
  • All characters should have some level of interest in the background narrative. Mechanically, everyone should have a major principle or intimacy tying them to the secret of Exaltation in some way.

The characters' search for the secret to Exaltation and connection to their faction is the primary narrative driver. I'm taking much more of a backseat, and my focus will be on fleshing out the setting itself and the knowledge/motivations of the major NPCs.
